Friday, March 25, 2011

That cat's a mystery to me...

I tell people that Scott and Shoes (our 15 pound cat) have a love-hate relationship: Scott loves to do things that Shoes should hate him for. He picks her up, swings her in the air, traps her in the bed, pushes her into the floor, and rubs her face, just to name a few. One might think that after all that, she would run, hiss, bite, or some other form of retaliation, but no. She usually just runs (and I use that term loosely...usually more like a fast walk) a few steps, and then will often lie down on the ground, sometimes even with a little purr.

I just don't understand it. She looks upset at the time and will often let out a mournful sounding meow, but she never takes my advice (which is "just one time, Shoes, bite like you mean it."). Instead, she seems to have the incredible ability to forgive and forget. I think it may be related to the fact that Scott feeds and cleans her litter box...and will occasionally give her treats and special food...bribing her to love him, I joke.

Today, for example, I hear Scott coming up from our bedroom. He walks into the living room with Shoes wrapped up in a blanket, not looking too happy about it. "Shoes doesn't like to be swaddled," he says (can you tell we're in baby mode here? I don't think the word "swaddle" had been uttered at the McIntyre house before March 13th). Shoes proceeds to jump out when he lets her, but then stops about two feet away, cozying up in her favorite spot by the furnace vent. I just don't understand that cat.


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