Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Petite Feet

Yesterday I rediscovered something that brought a smile to my face. Since Claire was born in the early spring, when the weather was still chilly, she has spent most of her first seven weeks of life with her feet covered. Mostly she's worn cute onesie/pajama style sleepers, and the few times that she's had an actual "outfit" on, I've added a pair of socks (in response to my mother's voice echoing in my head, "You don't want her feet to get cold." :)

On Monday night at our small group, Gavin (the newborn of another couple in our group) had on pants that let his little feet show, and that reminded me how cute newborn feet are. So yesterday Claire wore a newer sleeper that did not have feet. It was an adorable one from my sister's family: white with flowers and butterflies, a slight ruffle/gather on the shoulder and a little pink bow by the neck for a tiny feminine touch. And all day I found myself fascinated by her miniature feet!

The best was when she woke up from her nap. I often love to watch her stretching as she wakes herself up, arms reaching above her head as if straining for some unknown prize, back arching, eyes still squeezed shut as if to say, "I'm waking up, but don't rush me," little snorts of breath as she transitions from sleeping to awake. But the best part, I discovered yesterday, was watching her little toes curl, uncurl, spread apart and then come together, almost like little hands. Maybe it's just a mom thing that others would not be fascinated by, but I could have watched her tiny feet for hours...which, of course, I didn't once she started to "remind" me that her diaper was full, she was hungry, and stretch time was over....she was awake and wanted to get down to business!

Amazing how something so small can have such an impact on my day :)


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