Thursday, July 21, 2011

8 pounds later...

Good friends of ours welcomed their little boy into the world 10 days ago. Yes, another little boy in Claire ever-expanding group of friends. All of my six friends who were expecting over the last year had boys. Claire has a wide circle of future suitors to choose from. Scott is already oiling his shotgun :)

I stopped by to visit little Jacob and jumped at the chance to hold him....all seven pounds of him. Just 4 months ago Claire was that least almost. As I was holding the little guy, I was trying to remember back to when Claire was just a little peanut like that, but I almost can't....yikes! How did it feel when she would snuggle up to me before she could hold herself up? How did she look before she grew an extra chin, thunder thighs, and cankles (all of which I love :)? She's on the road to being a big girl!

Other big girl things she's been doing lately:
  • so very close to rolling over from her back to her stomach. She gets the bottom two-thirds turned, but just can't get over her arm and swing her head up. I help her practice, showing her how to point her arm up to get over it, but not quite there yet.
  • purposely grabbing at objects hanging down from her play gym.
  • sleeping on her side. She just started doing this last night, and for some reason it seems like such a grown-up thing to do, don't you think?
  • sitting up in her bath...with help, of course, but so adorable the way her hands grip the side of the dishpan, and her feet kick up an occasional splash.
  • sitting in the front of the stroller, no longer in the car seat clipped on top. Cooler for her, I think, and much easier for me to for both of us!
  • yesterday at the doc, she weighed in at 15 pounds, 3 ounces, which puts her in the 78th percentile. She jumped to the 91st percentile for height, so it looks like we're going to have a tall girl on our hands. Highwater pants are in her future, I suspect....I can only hope they come back in style when she's in those ever-so-important-to-be-in-style teen years :)


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