The 4-H Pledge
By request of one of my "city girl" friends, here goes:
"I pledge my head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty,
My hands to larger service,
and my health to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world."
(don't forget the corresponding hand actions)
Anyone else a 4-H kid? I was a member of the Clover Kids and then, later, The Pierce Pixies and Pirates. (We had to add the "pirates" part when the little brother of one of the girls in our then all-girls club wanted to join. I don't recall him lasting very long).
Without 4-H, I probably wouldn't have learned to sew (and I'm not talking about just pillows and tote bags here, folks. I made clothes that I actually wore), make pies, decorate cakes (never learned how to do roses, unfortunately), crochet (I should relearn that), or explore my family tree. I also credit 4-H with making me the person that doesn't hesitate to speak infront of crowds (thank you, demonstration and speech contests), which has served me very well in almost every job I've ever had. Yes, 4-H made for some good times.
woop woop! haha. thanks for posting that. it's a cool little pledge. even better watching you do the 'happy hands' that accompany it! :)
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