Adventures in America's Dairyland

Wisconsin did not disappoint us! We had a great time on our mini-vacation to Janesville and Madison, Wisconsin.
Highlights of the trip:
- ice cream or custard every day!
- singing along with the country music on the radio during the drive. I'm slowly...very slowly...winning Scott over.
- seeing places and meeting people from Scott's favorite growing up years. We drove past his old house on Galaxy Street, visited with the old family friends (who live on a farm, complete with pigs!), and ate at favorite restaraunts.
- hiking around Devil's Lake. One word: beautiful!
- exploring Epic. I've gotta tell you about this place. We were driving back from a rural area near Verona (about 30 minutes outside of Madison) when Scott saw this huge red building. He wanted to take a picture, so we drove onto the "Epic Campus." It's a group of huge buildings (that we late found out are a medical company of some sort) that were, on Memorial Day, unlocked with no one in sight. So, of course, we wondered around a bit. They had amazing architecture, statues, art (Darth Vader and Spiderman among them) was a crazy cool place! And no one seemed to mind that we were just wandering around in and outside of it. Kind of creeped me out, I'm not gonna lie. I think I was letting "LOST" get to me a bit too much :)
- experiencing small town life. Locally brewed beer. Homemade teas and jellies. Streets lined with quaint shops. Trolls carvings...really, does it get any better than wooden carvings of trolls scattered throughout town?
- eating great food, each and every day! Cheese curds, anyone?
- outlet mall!
- spending uninterrupted time with my husband :)
Sounds amazing! I want to take a mini trip to Wisconsin. Love the pics.
Welcome back home - sounds like a great trip! I can't believe how much hair Scott has!!
cheese curds!!! we're going up to Wisconsin in late July, and I'll be loading up on those delicious morsels. I can't wait! :)
custard every day? it's a dream come true for Jane.
I've gotten hooked recently on cherry dipped vanilla cones from DQ. not a cheap addiction! we'll have to have some kind of intervention soon...
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