Thursday, January 17, 2008

I love it, I love it not...

Random thoughts from the McIntyre house:
Things we love:
  • Scott is loving his new job with Fast-Trac Freight Services (I think that's the right name).
  • Scott is loving the fact that his algebra class at Metro Community College is not the bane of his exsistence.
  • Scott is loving the fact that he has sweet-talked his wife into typing his school papers for him. I've only done two and I'm in no way promising that I'll type all of them, but how can I resist those eyes? :) So he dictates, I type. It's a good agreement.
  • Jane is loving (well, maybe "love" is a strong word, but it's going well) her student teaching.
  • Jane is loving that her classes, according to her cooperating teacher, are good ones.
  • Jane is loving having to read fun books for a change...gotta know what I'm teaching the juniors and seniors!

Things we do not love:

  • Scott does not love cutting out small pieces of paper for silly art projects for school.
  • Scott does not love getting up on cold dark mornings.
  • Scott does not love having to fight with his wife for the bedcovers...I'm a bit of a cover hog when I'm sleeping apparently...opps!
  • Scott does not love passion fruit yogart...who knew there were flavors he didn't like?
  • Jane does not love spinning (cycling) class at the gym. I go because it's good for me (and I promised a friend I would), but it's a LONG 60 minutes.
  • Jane does not love 17 year olds with attitudes.
  • Jane does not love adjusting to leaving the house at 7 am every morning.


At January 20, 2008 at 7:23 PM , Blogger SpartnPrincess said...

You are hilarious. I like this idea. Perhaps I will post a similar one for myself. Oh, and I love that you blog now.

At February 1, 2008 at 4:26 PM , Blogger sarah beth said...

ahhh... 17 year olds with attitudes.
but isn't it nice in some ways? mainly, that you can tell them they are behaving badly and to change their attitude? something you simply cannot do in a job working with adults. unless you're a manager, I suppose. :)

At February 2, 2008 at 2:09 PM , Blogger Abigail said...

I am crushed... you don't LOVE spinning? Sniff... That is ok. As long as you come anyway! Just think of the good workout! Tell the less emotional half of Team McIntyre that you need a road bike! Much better than spinning!


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