Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Leaving room for God...

Scott and I had one of those "things that make you go hmm..." conversations a few minutes ago. Of course, we start such conversations as he's getting ready for school, about the time he should be getting into the car in order to be on time. Such is life, eh?

The Heavenly Man, a book about one of the most influential man of the Chinese underground church movement, started the conversation. Scott was telling me about a small part he read today (he's just starting the book. I read it several years ago. It's an amazing book that will rock your world, "if you let it," as Scott said) that recounted a conversation that the main character had with another man regarding the lack of miricles in the Western church. Why is that? Why do we hear about miracles other places more often than here? The Chinese man's answer (in a nut shell...seriously, read the book) is that we don't really need God. Of course, we all need God. What he means is that we have so many security blankets, insurance, and other things that we don't often come desperately before God with our situations. We have other things we often turn to for life's problems: bank accounts, insurance policies, the latest medical treatments, etc.

If you know my husband, you know that he likes to play "devil's advocate" and I was trying my best to keep up with him today. I think the only realization we made is that we don't really know what we think. So, let me pose the question to you: do we leave room for God? what's the role of all the "security blankets"? I'd love to hear your thoughts.


At July 16, 2008 at 9:32 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

must be a theme....michael woke up in the middle of the night last night feeling like God was talking to him about this very subject - letting go and trusting Him for provision for every physical, emotional and spiritual need. hard to do when you can easily indulge in a little retail/culinary/cinematic therapy and forget He even cares...


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