Overheard at the coffee shop
Ranae and I have developed a little tradition of playing Scrabble at the coffee shop. Today we were having a hard time focusing on the game because two older women were sitting in the worn maroon wingback chairs behind us, having a very unusual conversation.
I don't make a habit of eavesdropping, and I'm fairly good at tuning out noise around me when I want to but would you be able to resist the urge to listen in if you heard comments like these:
- "It's a whole lot easier to make your own alcohol than to grow your own marijuana."
- "Nebraska ditch weed is crap."
- "On my death bed I just want to smoke a joint--I love the taste and the smell."
Seriously, it was one of the strangest coversations I've ever happend to overhear. Stranger yet, it seemed that the women making the comments is a teacher who is somehow being forced to quit teaching at her school. Hmmm....
And if you're wondering, I won the game: 218 to 216. Whew!