In Awe

I don't often find myself at a loss for words. I'm an English teacher, for goodness sakes. I'm full of words. Looking at the ultrasound screen today, though, left me speechless. I knew there was a little life in there. Could feel the movement. Could see my middle expanding. Couldn't deny the hunger and fatigue. Heard the heartbeat. But seeing the eyes, arms, legs, heart (everything but that important little spot that would spoil the surprise!) is amazing.
According to the midwife, all is well. The baby weighs about 15 oz. Everything is average size, except for the slightly longer legs. Runner's legs, I'm sure :) My official due date is now March 10th. I think Scott secretly hopes he/she comes on his birthday (March 1st), but I'm hoping to hold out as long as possible. Don't want to use up all my FMLA before school dismissed for the year :) I almost broke and asked to know the sex while lying on the table. So tempting, but so glad I didn't.
So tonight I'll go to sleep thinking of a little foot. A little nose. A little heart. A perfect little baby...our perfect little baby :)