Mother's Day Musings

It's 8:30 pm, and I'm still a bit in awe that Mother's Day this year was actually for me. Wow! Somedays I still feel more like a long-term babysitter than a mom, but one fun realization I've had over the last few days is the fact that Claire really does know my voice. When others hold her and she hears me, she turns my way or her eyes get a slightly more calm/focused look. I almost teared up a bit when a friend casually commented yesterday, "She knows her momma." Yes, I am Claire's momma. Someone pinch me :)
I had a wonderful day: enjoyed a run on a beautiful cool morning, received an adorable necklace and earrings from Scott (see picture), didn't have to make lunch or dinner, and had a date with my hubby (thank you, Leon and Sharon for staying with Claire :). And, of course, Claire was incredibly cute and well-behaved today. I feel so loved!
Over dinner Scott and I were dreaming about what Claire would be like when she gets older. Will she be shy or outgoing? Will she be a girly-girl or a tomboy? Will she be artistic or math minded (or, dare I wish, both)? It's so fun to think about what kind of girl she will grow into. I can hardly wait to get a homemade card and a little bouquet of dandelions from my sweet girl.
Another reoccurring stream of thoughts today has been about my amazing mom:
- My mom attended almost all of my activities: concerts, track meets, cross country races, and basketball games (even though I sat the bench most of the time).
- She is an awesome baker. I took homemade bread, cookies, and desserts for granted growing up, not really realizing that not every kid enjoyed dessert with almost every dinner.
- She is a hard worker: raising six kids on a farm, growing a huge garden, canning, butchering chickens, chasing cattle, washing clothes with an old-style washing machine, making breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day, just to name a few. And she completed all that hard work with an amazingly positive attitude. My mom rarely, if ever, complains.
- She is resourceful and creative, able to fashion doll clothes and furniture out of random scraps and items many people would throw away.
- She has a servant heart, bringing food for funerals, taking relatives to doctors appointments, delivering meals on wheels, sewing, mending, and cleaning when she comes to visit. She likes to do things to help others.
If I can be as cool as her, Claire will be a lucky girl. I love you mom!