We traveled to Pierce and Norfolk this weekend for my nephew Andrew's confirmation. I have to play the "proud aunt" part for a moment and brag about my nieces and nephews. In the group photo (from Christmas, our camera is still out of commission, so no photos to use from this weekend), from left to right: Amanda (almost 16 now), Blake (13) holding Amber (4 1/2), Andrew (14 1/2) holding Trevor (almost 6), and Bethany (almost 11?) holding Erin (almost 4).

They are just the coolest bunch of kids. Teaching, I think, has given me a new appreciation for kids who are polite, kind, and fun to be with. My nieces and nephews are! Since I'm the youngest, I was still living at home when most of them were born, so I've grown up with them, in some ways. It's so crazy to watch them develop into young adults.
Now, for the title of this post. At the confirmation church service, I was sitting between Amber and Scott. Amber has this little pink checkered purse with a bunny head on it...adorable! Scott couldn't help but laugh when he saw how lady-like she felt with her little purse. It's contents: tissues and crayons. Don't leave home without them.
Later in the afternoon, Amber was blowing bubbles in the back yard with Scott. Again, does it get any cuter than that? Of course, to add a dose of reality to the scene, Trevor was running around with a garden stake, popping them. Running with garden stakes is always a good idea, right?
Almost makes me want to have kids right now...almost...but not quite :)
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