How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
Pardon me for a moment while I brag about my husband. The last day of fall quarter classes for Scott was on Tuesday, so he's getting a well deserved break. No more staying up until midnight, 1, 2 or sometimes even 3 am getting projects done (he's a night owl, that's for sure, which is hilarious considering that I have a hard time staying awake past 10 pm).
Scott knows that school has me feeling wiped out some days, so this week he did the following:
- raked the entire yard and bagged 15 bags of leaves without any assistance from me. This was probably the biggest blessing to me because his allergies make that a not-fun task, and the high temperature was only about 35 degrees (with a wind) the day he bagged the leaves.
- cleaned the gutters (and got to know the neighbors better as a result)
- washed all the laundry
- washed all the dishes...several times
- cooked dinner several times
- returned his own early Christmas present
- came to bed with me at 9:30 almost every night, resisting the urge to stay up late watching movies (which he loves to do on days off)
- fixed the leaky humidifier
- taped a crack in the furnace duct
- ordered several safety devices for the house
And I'm sure I could add to the list but I've babbled long enough. Just wanted to brag!